Nos accréditations et nos prix reflètent notre recherche constante de l'excellence
L'accréditation est une forme d'assurance qualité, où une école de langue anglaise est vérifiée pour s'assurer qu'elle répond aux normes établies par un organisme d'accréditation.
De nos jours, les visas étudiants ne sont accordés qu'aux étudiants des écoles d'anglais accréditées. C'est particulièrement le cas pour les écoles de langue anglaise du Royaume-Uni et des États-Unis.
Pour être accréditée, EC a subi un examen très intensif pour s'assurer que nos écoles répondent aux normes strictes exigées par les organismes d'accréditation. Seules les écoles qui offrent le meilleur service deviennent des écoles accréditées, obtenant ainsi un label de qualité internationalement reconnu.
Nos écoles d'anglais ont été examinées, étudiées et jugées dignes d'accréditation. Les écoles accréditées sont inspectées de nouveau à quelques années d'intervalle et, chaque année, un certain nombre d'écoles accréditées sont choisies au hasard pour faire l'objet de visites inopinées. Par conséquent, les écoles accréditées ne peuvent pas laisser échapper le niveau de service qu'elles fournissent. Les écoles doivent fonctionner au plus haut niveau en tout temps.
ACCET provides institutional accreditation for organisations in the US whose primary function is for educational purposes and for organisations offering continuing education as a clearly identified institutional objective within the operational entity.
The Accreditation and Co-ordination of English Language Services (ACELS) was established in 1969 under the auspices of the Irish Department of Education and Science to control standards in English Language Teaching schools and organisations through inspection.
Independent Schools Inspectorate
The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is an agency approved by the Home Office to carry out educational oversight inspections of private further education colleges and English language schools in England and Wales.
British Council
Based in six continents and over 100 countries, and working with millions of people each year, the British Council is the UK's international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. Accreditation applies to all EC schools in the UK.
FELTOM (Federation of English Language Teaching Organisations in Malta) is an association of language schools that sets and monitors quality standards for its members. Not only does the association regulate the qualifications of the teaching staff, but also the facilities available at the schools.
English USA
Through its support for ethical and professional standards for intensive English programs, English USA (formerly known as AAIEP) promotes the well-being and educational success of its English language students.
Languages Canada
Membership is limited to programs from the public and private sectors which meet the rigorous standards of the association and who are committed to upholding them. Languages Canada is recognised by the Canadian government, as well as internationally.
The Bureau of Proprietary School Supervision (BPSS) oversees and monitors non-degree granting proprietary schools in New York State. BPSS's mission is to ensure that the overall educational quality of the programs offered will provide students with the necessary skills to secure meaningful employment, and to protect students' financial interests.
The Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) is responsible for ensuring institutions in British Columbia meet the requirements and standards for certification, maintaining a directory of all certified institutions and the programs they provide, and providing protection for students and overseeing the protection of their tuition.
English UK
The national association of accredited English language centres, English UK, has 470+ member centres, all accredited to the highest standards, and ensuring the best teaching and care for students. Accreditation applies to all EC schools in the UK.
Providing a global platform for leaders and decision makers within the language travel industry is central to ALTO’s mission. The association seeks to develop and grow the industry through networking, professional development, and the exchange of ideas and information.
TESL Canada
TESL Canada Federation is the national federation of English as a Second Language teachers, learners and learner advocates. The federation's mission is to promote excellence in the teaching and learning of English as a second or additional language.
Marketing English in Ireland
To become a member, a school must undergo rigorous testing and inspections, and adhere to a strict protocol to maintain the highest standards of professionalism, due diligence and care. Member schools are inspected and recognised by Accreditation and Coordination of English Language Services (ACELS).
Education South Africa (EduSA) is the national association of quality English language centres in South Africa. It is committed to developing and guiding the growth of the English language travel industry in South Africa, while ensuring that its members meet or exceed guaranteed minimum standards of professionalism and quality.
Services SETA
EC Cape Town is registered as an Accredited Training Provider with Services SETA, accreditation number 6515, to offer Learning Programmes aligned with the National Qualifications Framework in compliance with the Higher Education Act 101; Skills Development Act No. 97; South African Qualifications Authority Act 58; and the Further Education and Training Colleges Act 16.
South Africa Youth Travel Confederation (SAYTC) is a non-profit, membership-driven organisation with the goal to market South Africa globally as a preferred youth tourism destination, and to establish a professional youth tourism industry based upon accreditation and guidelines.
Documents de politique d'EC
Apprenez-en davantage sur les politiques et les procédures dans les écoles EC des États-Unis, du Royaume-Uni et de Malte.
Documents de politique
Nous sommes ravis d'avoir remporté le ST Star Chain School Award aux StudyTravel Magazine Awards 2017, après que des milliers d'électeurs aient choisi EC comme meilleure école de langue anglaise.
L'année dernière, nous avons remporté huit prix prestigieux, dont le très convoité ST Star Chain School Award ; et notre expérience Orange Carpet unique a remporté le Silver Star Award aux UK Customer Experience Awards à Londres.
Un grand « merci » à tous nos élèves, partenaires, employés et enseignants qui ont rendu tout cela possible.
ST Star Chain School 2017
Vous ne savez pas quel cours de EC English choisir ?
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