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Home Les écoles Apprenez l’anglais au Royaume-Uni Apprenez l’anglais à Brighton

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Apprenez l’anglais à Brighton, l’une des villes les plus belles et les plus bohèmes du Royaume-Uni.

Connue sous le nom de “Londres au bord de la mer”, Brighton offre l’ambiance culturelle de la ville voisine de Londres dans un environnement balnéaire décontracté. Détendez-vous sur la plage. Visitez les galeries du quartier des artistes. Profitez des restaurants, des pubs et de la musique live. Notre programme d’activités est conçu pour vous aider à vous immerger dans tout ce que la ville a à offrir, tout en apprenant l’anglais avec des amis du monde entier. 

EC Brighton propose des cours adaptés à chaque objectif et à chaque niveau de compétence, des professeurs exceptionnels et une communauté solidaire prête à vous aider à tirer le meilleur parti de votre voyage linguistique dans cette ville fantastique. 


What you can expect at our Brighton English School

*Images are for representation purpose only. Actual furnishings may differ from those shown. Amenities and services are subject to change.

Trouvez votre cours d’anglais idéal à Brighton 

Découvrez nos programmes d’anglais 

  • Most Popular

General English

General and intensive English courses at EC focus on the core skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing to improve confidence and increase fluency.

English for Work

Our English for Work course builds confidence in professional communication. Learn to write emails, join meetings, give presentations, and prepare for interviews. Perfect for career success!

Academic Year

Our Academic Year course (24+ weeks) lets you fully immerse yourself in English while living abroad. Gain fluency, experience local culture, and build lifelong skills!

English in the City

English in the City (summer only) lets you explore a city while improving your English. Join local tours, interact with native speakers, and learn through real experiences!

Votre programme comprend 

Test d’orientation en ligne 

Passez votre test d’évaluation pour que nous puissions vous placer dans la classe correspondant à votre niveau d’anglais, accédez à notre bibliothèque d’activités d’auto-apprentissage ou assistez à des cours en ligne gratuits avant même votre arrivée.

Des cours d’anglais de qualité 

Etudiez dans des classes multinationales du lundi au vendredi avec des professeurs d’anglais qualifiés dans des cours garantis pour améliorer votre anglais. 


Votre application d’étude tout-en-un pour les tests, les évaluations et les ressources d’apprentissage. Obtenez un accès dès votre réservation !

Calendrier social complet 

Rejoignez-nous pour un programme complet d’activités sociales gratuites et payantes, d’excursions et d’ateliers linguistiques pour profiter au maximum de votre séjour linguistique à Brighton.  

Accès gratuit à Microsoft Office pendant toute la durée du cours 

Tous les cours de plus de 24 semaines incluent la possibilité de s’inscrire à une préparation à l’examen 

Orange Carpet Experience 
Une activité de bienvenue 
Activités en anglais et ateliers 
L’accès à Internet 

Télévisions interactives  

Salle d’auto-apprentissae

Espace détente 


L’accès à Internet 

  • Tout
  • Ateliers académiques
  • Événement
  • Orange Carpet Experience
  • Sports et plein air
  • Visites touristiques et culture
Ateliers académiques

Clinique de prononciation

Choisissez entre des cours de prononciation “généraux” pour tous les étudiants et des cours ciblés sur des accents spécifiques. Activité gratuite.

Ateliers académiques

Séances de conversation

Vous pouvez pratiquer vos compétences en conversation avec des étudiants de différentes classes, niveaux et nationalités. Lors de ces sessions détendues et sociables, vous pouvez choisir les sujets que vous souhaitez aborder. Activité gratuite.

Ateliers académiques

Clinique du travail

Les cliniques de CV et d’entretien vous aideront à développer les compétences dont vous avez besoin pour postuler et passer des entretiens d’embauche en anglais. Activité gratuite.

Orange Carpet Experience

Visite de bienvenue

Commencez votre aventure communautaire par une soirée chaleureuse et accueillante conçue pour vous aider à vous installer et à vous faire de nouveaux amis. Notre responsable sera sur place pour faciliter les présentations et donner un aperçu des expériences passionnantes qui vous attendent.

Orange Carpet Experience


Avec notre équipe d’enseignants dévoués, nos services d’hébergement ( ) et nos équipes de services aux étudiants, nous offrons un mélange parfait d’expertise pour vous apporter toute l’aide et le soutien dont vous avez besoin.

Orange Carpet Experience

Cérémonie de remise des diplômes

Lors de votre dernier jour à l’EC, nous célébrons votre réussite avec une cérémonie de remise des diplômes et vous recevrez un certificat de cours qui prouve votre niveau d’anglais !


Scène culinaire

Goûtez à la scène culinaire dynamique de Brighton, une tapisserie tissée de fruits de mer frais, de restaurants innovants et d’un amour pour les ingrédients locaux. Du quartier animé de Lanes, rempli de cafés indépendants et de restaurants excentriques, aux vignobles primés situés juste à l’extérieur de la ville.

Visites touristiques et culture

Palais et jardins

Découvrez le monde enchanteur des palais de Brighton, où l’histoire prend vie dans des décors époustouflants. Les palais de Brighton offrent un voyage captivant à travers le temps. Entrez dans un conte de fées au Royal Pavilion, avec ses dômes opulents et sa grandeur Regency. Ensuite, retournez en Grande-Bretagne romaine au Fishbourne Roman Palace, en explorant ses mosaïques complexes, ses bains et ses jardins. Que vous soyez attiré par la royauté ou l’histoire ancienne, les palais de Brighton offrent une expérience unique et enchanteresse.

Sports et plein air

Parcs et nature

Échappez à l’ordinaire et immergez-vous dans l’époustouflant pays des merveilles naturelles de Brighton. Plongez dans l’énergie vibrante de la promenade, profitez d’une pléthore d’attractions ou découvrez une vie marine étonnante au SEA LIFE Brighton Aquarium.

Visites touristiques et culture

Brighton i360

Prenez de la hauteur à Brighton i360, où les panoramas à couper le souffle rencontrent une excitation sans pareille ! Brighton i360 offre un moyen unique et exaltant de découvrir les meilleurs panoramas de la ville.

Visites touristiques et culture

Embarcadère du palais de Brighton

Remontez le temps et visitez l’une des jetées les plus anciennes et les plus impressionnantes du Royaume-Uni, l’emblème de Brighton. Autrefois simple jetée victorienne, elle s’est transformée en un parc à thème dynamique au bord de l’eau, offrant un mélange captivant de nostalgie et de sensations fortes modernes.

Des étudiants du monde entier 


Arabie Saoudite















Et de tous les âges 


Informations sur le centre 

Ouverture: 2002

Capacité du centre: 249

Salles de classe: 9

Âge minimum: 18

Taille moyenne des classes: Average 12 (Max. 15)

Wheelchair accessible  

Numéro de téléphone:  +44 (0) 12 7369 4618


Heures d’ouverture 








Heures de bureau 

08:15 – 18:30

08:15 – 18:30

08:15 – 18:30

08:15 – 18:30

08:15 – 18:30



08:30 – 17:00


EC Brighton

Dolphin House, 2-5 Manchester Street, Brighton, BN2 1TF, UK

Rencontrez notre équipe expérimentée

Gosia Stewart

Centre Director

Brighton is a fantastic place to learn English, and I’m here to ensure your success.

Will Humphreys

Director of Studies

I’m dedicated to providing engaging lessons that help you reach your English goals.

Brad Crescenzo

Student Services Supervisor

I’m here to support you with everything outside the classroom—just let me know!

Beth Simmonds

Assistant Director of Studies

I’ll help tailor your learning experience so you can achieve your goals.

“EC is a fun, educational, and unforgettable place to learn!”

I chose EC because I heard that the people I met recommend EC, and the university recommend EC as well. I was sure that I would learn a lot from EC. I liked
Cambridge is a calm place with an old scent, and the English language is incredibly fluent. Also very beautiful place. School is look like an old academy and Timber frame house. Of course very nice to study in the school. My best memory is going to pub night with EC’s workers and teachers , and speaking with my teacher in Free Speaking Class.
I would recommend EC to my friends because it is very fun and educational. Thanks to Workers and teachers.


Student at EC Cambridge

“EC offers a dynamic learning environment with dedicated teachers and a welcoming community—an unforgettable experience!”

I choose EC because of the agent’s recommendation and the information I found online that EC provides a dynamic and engaging learning environment. I like the sense of peace and safety that Cambridge offers and the people are very friendly. And I like EC School because every teacher is dedicated to teaching and caring for their students. During my time at EC, I learned a lot!
School organizes various activities for students to participate in. Such as Museum Day Crafting night and Movie Night. Getting to know classmates from different countries at school is also a memorable part of my experience. I would definitely recommend EC. I really appreciate the amazing teachers, and reception staff also very dedicated in helping solve any problem.


Student at EC Cambridge

“EC not only improved my English but also gave me amazing friends and unforgettable experiences. Best decision ever!”

My goal before I went here was the language and to improve my accent. Not really open to make some new friends but after the first days here I felt so happy with my social surroundings, the teachers, and the whole vibe, that I made so many friends just in the first days. I went to college basketball with EC and some other activities with my new friends.I really the teachers here, especially Patrick. The best thing here is how kind and chill teachers and students are. For me in personal it was the best decision of my life to come here to San Francisco and the EC.


Student at EC San Francisco

“EC made learning unforgettable—improving my English and embracing U.S. culture!”

EC is the best school I have ever attended. Ac EC. I not only improved my English but also learned a lot about American culture, especially California’s unique culture. These lessons helped me better understand and integrate into life in the U.S.. I feel that my English has improved a lot, especially – a lot, especially in speaking and listening. I have became more confident in conversations and and can express myself more fluently. Besides classes, EC also offers a variety of after-class activities. My favorite activities were the Thanksgiving dinner and the Christmas gift exchange. It was my first time celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas in the U.S. Which made • very special and unforgettable experience. I got to eat some delicious homemade dishes from different countries, prepared by my classmates.

I love EC!


Student at EC San Francisco

“Learn English, explore NYC, and immerse yourself in a city full of endless opportunities.”

NYC is one of the most diverse cities in the world, offering you countless opportunities to meet people from all kinds of backgrounds, inside and outside of the school. It also provides easy access to musicals, museums, and iconic landmarks. Students are able to do both sightseeing and learning English at the same time, in the city of their dreams. On top of that, New Yorkers speak fast. Being exposed to it will naturally improve your listening skills before you realize it.
In school, the teachers and staff are professional and friendly, always open to questions. I felt humbled at first, but thanks to their support, I’m getting there. If I had chosen a different school, my experience would have been totally different, especially since I’m a long-term student. I’m glad I made the right decision.


Student at EC New York

Rihen EC Los Angeles student

“EC Los Angeles was by far the best language school I ever visited.”

It is so easy to connect with people from different origins, learn traditions, and learn from the best teachers. I can definitely say I was never so happy like I was here in the past months! I’ll definitely come back!


Student at EC Los Angeles

“EC gave me a great experience, professional teachers, and unforgettable memories. That’s why I chose to return!”

Last year I had a language stay with EC in Malta. It was a good experience and my English improved a lot. That is why I choose to come to EC again and study at EC Cambridge. Cambridge is a good place to learn English. I can practise my English anywhere.
The teachers are professionals. In class we can speak to other student and improve our speaking

My most unforgettable memory of EC are the trips with other students, and teachers. And also the atmosphere in my class. I would recommend EC, I had a good experience in EC. I didn’t have any problem during my stay.


Student at EC Cambridge

“EC Cambridge: Great teaching, friendly vibes, and a beautiful city to explore!”

I chose EC because the teaching here is systematic and there is an English Now course that I am particularly interested in. I think being able to choose a topic that interests us makes us more motivated to learn English In addition, I really like the location of the school.

I like the atmosphere of Cambridge, I like that it has a river, lots of trees and it is a I really like EC because all the staff and teachers are very friendly and you can feel that they are sincere and ready to help. The teachers are ready to answer your questions and help. I loved most an atmosphere of welcome, friendliness and friendship from friends from many countries. I would recommend EC especially EC Cambridge because I think the important thing in learning English is that You have good teachers and I am very impressed with the teachers here, the manager and all the staff.


Student at EC Cambridge

“EC gave me new friends, unforgettable moments, and the freedom to explore a new city—an experience worth recommending!”

I chose EC so I could also visit a different city in the UK. I love how I am able to walk around almost without traffic compared to my hometown and be able to visit lots of places one day My most unforgettable memories at EC are mostly little things, like new friends with a lot of laugh and funny moments. I would recommend it! The amount of new knowledge and new memories you have are great and fun.

Juan Hose

Student at EC Cambridge

“Our teachers are full of energy!”

Before, I was afraid to speak to people in English, and now I feel free! I like to communicate with people from all over the world. English is the language that unites us. Our teachers are full of energy and are ready to share with us. When you study, they make it easier for you to understand. They offer a lot of ways to learn. They are ready to support you, you feel it at every moment.

Elena, Russia

“Learn English more academically and professionally”

The reason I chose EC is to learn English more academically and professionally. I enjoyed the activities that the school arranged. We have activities all week and even on the weekend. It will allow you to get to know the city better. I made some good friends here.

Rayan, Saudi Arabia

“A great place to study English!”

If you want to have a special experience, you can do everything in Los Angeles, whatever you want. Actually, my purpose is studying English. It is my main focus. So that’s why I strongly recommend EC LA. This place is an awesome place to study English because people are kind and friendly. If you want to ask something to other people, no problem. Just you can and then you can talk to each other. The teachers in charge of my class are awesome! I’m so glad to be in class. They’re super passionate about teaching to us. I am sure this place is a great place to study English.

Yunseop, South Korea

“One of the best schools in the world”

I chose EC because it is one of the best schools in the world! I like the smart TVs they have in the classrooms. The methodology is very good, so you never feel bored in class. I no longer feel shy to speak to people in English – this is one thing I really enjoy about EC! I made a lot of friends here in Malta from different countries, so you learn different things about countries. I think this is the best way to learn English. It’s not just friends for one class, it’s friends for life.

Nicolas, Colombia

“An incredible experience—amazing people, new friendships, and unforgettable memories. I wish I could stay!”

It was an incredible experience. The people here are exceptionally kind and make you feel truly welcome. I had the opportunity to make friends from different parts of the world and practice my English, which was amazing. Without a doubt, this is an experience I would love to relive. Honestly, I don’t want to leave!


Student at EC Montreal

“Three weeks felt too short—this trip was the best decision of my life!”

I think 3 weeks were short, I would like to stay more time. I’m sad to have to go back. I met people, visited places and lived adventures.  I have discovered new dreams. This trip was the best decision of my life


Student at EC Montreal

“Montreal’s diversity and EC helped me gain confidence and relive my student days!”

I chose Montreal because of the diversity of the city, a nice place to be in all seasons. I improved a lot in my confidence at the moment of speaking English, also, I learned a lot of different cultures because of my classmates. I’ll remember my stay because it was a wonderful experience to be back at school and remember the old days when I was a student


Student at EC Montreal

“Thanks to EC, I learned a lot and gained great opportunities. I’m very grateful!”

It has been an enriching process, full of learning and without EC’s help and motivation, I would not have been able to get to this point. I am very grateful for everything I have learned and for the opportunities that have opened up for me. Thanks to all! With love, your student ambassador


Student at EC Montreal

“EC Montreal: dynamic classes, amazing friendships, and a city full of charm!”

“I really enjoyed my stay in Montreal. It’s a charming city with many things to discover. I loved learning French at EC Montreal. The teachers are kind, the classes are very dynamic, and you meet a lot of different people. If you stay as long as I did you see a lot of people come and go and make a lot of different friendships. I would come back to this city anytime!”


Student at EC Montreal

“EC Manchester boosted my confidence and gave me unforgettable experiences”

I chose staying in Manchester because many friends told me here is quite interesting. I came here for Improving my English. Actually I don’t how maybe much I have improved it since I came here. But I think I have more confidence than before. My host family treats me really kindly and friendly, and they always would take me to the countryside to walk and also try to make me experience some new thing. The teachers of EC are kind to students.

Jiaying, Taiwan

“EC Manchester made me feel at home while improving my English and making lifelong friends!”

I know that learning a new country is never easy. When I chose this school i was afraid of not being able to make friends or not feeling well, but from the first day, thanks to the school i got to know many people and learned a lot. I think, i have improved my English a lot thanks to the teachers who are very well prepared and make you feel comfortable. The things i like most about school was the relationship that is created with people who attend it and also the teachers. I would recommend this school to a friend of mine because you can really learn so much and as i said you can take your English to the next level.


Student at EC Manchester

“EC Manchester boosted my confidence and connected me with cultures from around the world!”

My time at EC Manchester has been an amazing experience, I’ve improved my English skills, especially my Pronunciation, which makes me feel more confident. What I like the most is the intercultural exchange, meeting people from all over the world and learning about their cultures.
I chose Manchester because the city has a perfect balance between a lively city and a comfortable place to live.


Student at EC Manchester

“A great atmosphere, amazing teachers, and fast progress in the heart of Manchester!”

I chose Manchester for its tourist attractions and to combine studying with sightseeing. I improved in speaking and Vocabulary, moving from pre-Intermediate to Inter mediate in 6 weeks. The school feels like a family, with very helpful staff and teachers. I would definitely recommend it to my friends. I will remember the great atmosphere, my friends, teachers, and the central location with shops and cafes.


Student at EC Manchester

“Manchester’s culture and diversity helped me learn and meet wonderful people.”

I chose Manchester because it’s a City with a lot of culture and entertainment, but not as crowded as London.
I learned a lot about the culture and society by being in contact with a city as cosmopolitan and diverse as Manchester.
I started in pre-advance and at the moment I am in proficiency (B2+-C2) What I like The most is the good will of the teachers and the receptionists who are always very helpful.
I would recommend EC to my friends. I will remember the different cultures I came in contact with and that allowed me to discover wonderful people


Student at EC Manchester

“Studying at EC Dublin felt like home—amazing classes and incredible support. Thanks, everyone!”

It was a great time studying at EC Dublin, I felt at home with all the support. The classes were so exciting, thanks guys!


Student at EC Dublin

“Unforgettable memories, great friendships, and excellent facilities—EC English feels like home.”

The relationship between classmates is very good, and the time we spent together is unforgettable. There are many after-school activities at school, which are very fun and help me integrate into the group more quickly. The school facilities are excellent

Li – Chih,

Student at EC Dublin

“EC English is where knowledge, harmony, and friendship create lifelong memories.”

My experience in Dublin was the best of my life, and it was thanks to EC English. If I could describe my school in a short sentence it would be: The best school, where they cultivate true knowledge, harmony and friendship in every corner of their classrooms to form good students. Thank you EC, I sincerely carry you in my heart!


Student at EC Dublin

“EC Dublin gave me support, friends, and unforgettable experiences!”

I stayed in EC Dublin for 3 months and I can say that this was one of the best experiences of my life for many reasons.

First of all the reception is always ready to help you, I also had the possibility to meet many new friends in the school and to visit the city with many secondary activities purposed by the school.


Student at EC Dublin

“Learning English at EC Dublin boosted my confidence and gave me unforgettable friendships from around the world!”

My name is Zaira and I’m from Mexico. I spent two weeks at EC Dublin in pre-advanced level and I was so happy to be at EC. I met amazing people from all around the world, made a lot of friends, learned a lot of new vocabulary and slang. My only wish is that I could have stayed for a much longer time. To have learned english at EC made me earn more confidence when speaking in english and I’ll always be grateful for that.


Student at EC Dublin

“Learning French at EC Montreal was unforgettable—amazing teachers, new friends, and a beautiful city!”

I chose EC Montreal because I can learn French. Not only English, and also, theis city is beautiful. I improved my French thanks to wonderful teachers, Essadia and Djamel. Also I made friends who come from different countries and the time I spent with them was fantastic. I will never forget this experience. If you want to learn French, I really recommend to learn at EC Montreal.


Student at EC Montreal

“EC Montreal made my dream of visiting Canada unforgettable—amazing teachers and great learning moments!”

I chose EC Montreal because it was my dream to visit Canada. During my trimester here, I learned English. My favourite activity in class was speaking because it helps with my pronunciation. I recommend EC because teachers are very cool and they listen to help us to learn English. Thank you for this time here, it was a great moment.


Student at EC Montreal

“I loved EC Montreal—great people, a beautiful city, and an amazing way to improve my English!”

I loved my experience at EC Montreal I met special people who I will always remember. Montreal is a nice city, is cold, but I like it. It was great to talk to people of other nationalities and improve my English. I definitely recommend EC.


Student at EC Montreal

“An unforgettable experience that changed me—thanks to Montreal and EC’s great teachers!”

It was an experience I will not forget and that changed my le a lot. I chose to study in Montreal because it is a city with a different culture. It is an experience I will not forget and that changed me a lot. I want to thank the school for the great welcome and tell them they have great teachers and thanks to them I learned a lot.

Maria Fernanda,

Students at EC Montreal

“Best experience ever—amazing people and first-time adventures!”

It had the best experience of my life!It was amazing to meet so many cool people and to be able to do many things for the first time!


Student at EC London

“Four weeks at EC Malta brought learning, cultural exchange, and lifelong memories!”

It was four weeks of a lot of learning, both in classes and in everyday life. In addition to the opportunity to get to know different cultures, an experience that I will take with me for life.


Student at EC Malta

“One intense month at EC Malta taught me more than English—it gave me new goals, friendships, and unforgettable experiences!”

One intense month of learning and I don’t just speak English but also life, getting out of the comfort zone was and is extremely necessary. I feel ready to continue my studies and especially for new goals/goals with a new vision of everything. It was a significant opportunity (that I never imagined I would have and fulfill) to meet people and cultures from various parts of the world, and I certainly really want the contact to continue and that we can meet again one day. To my English teachers who taught me more than just one language, especially Rebeka, who became a great friend telling us several stories, tips about the country, typical foods and so many other subjects. You were awesome!


Student at EC Malta

“English opens doors to the world, connecting me with people and cultures everywhere!”

“I study English at EC because it opens many doors in life. It is the language that allows me to communicate with people from all over the world and better understand their culture.”


Student at EC Malta

“An unforgettable journey at EC Malta—improving English, meeting amazing people, and exploring the island. Highly recommended!”

Today I completed my last “day of school” and thus completed an unforgettable time on the language trip at the EC English in Malta. This trip was the perfect opportunity to improve my English, meet great people from all over the world, explore the island and extend the summer a bit. An experience that I can recommend to everyone!”


Student at EC Malta

“My two weeks at EC Malta were life-changing—immersive learning, new connections, and unforgettable experiences!”

When I decided to study English in Malta, I didn’t imagine how much this choice would impact my life. This exchange brought me everything that makes my heart beat faster: meeting and connecting with people, absorbing the intangible, learning and experiencing new experiences. For two weeks, I experienced a complete immersion in English, inside and outside the classroom, totaling 30 hours of course in EC English, but the learning went far beyond that. Now, 15 days later, I return home with a broader vocabulary, a vibrating heart and an even greater cultural baggage.”


Student at EC Malta

“Completing my B1+ course at EC Malta was unforgettable—an experience I’ll cherish for life. Thank you, EC!”

It is with great pride and immense satisfaction that I share the completion of the General English course, intermediate level (B1+), at the incredible institution EC English, in Malta. The impeccable support from your entire team was crucial in making this experience unforgettable and highly important for both my personal and professional life. I am deeply grateful, and without a doubt, I will carry the experience I gained with me for the rest of my life. See you soon!


Student at EC Malta

“EC Toronto is a fun mix of cultures, great teachers, and inspiring classmates!”

I enjoyed class activities. In the class, there are many people who have different nationalities. During class activities, we talk about our cultures each other and find differences between them. Classmates are so active, and they are inspired me. And also, there are many nationalities, so we can enjoy other culture. Also, teachers are nice! The teaching stiles are depend on the teachers but almost all are nice! They are so unique 🙂


Student at EC Vancouver

“My experience at EC Toronto was amazing—helpful staff, knowledgeable teachers, and a truly welcoming environment!”

I really had a great experience on EC Toronto!

Since the beginning before I arrived in Toronto, the school gave all the information I needed to know about the first day, classes, tests… The classes are a complete experience! The teachers are very knowledgeable, patients and kindly

I felt very comfortable about the learning process, and I could see that they are very prepared to receive students from different countries. Everybody was very helpful. I was able to compare my experience with some colleagues who had studied at other schools and definitely I had the best one.

I certainly recommend EC for anyone who wants to learn English.


Student at EC Toronto 30+

“I loved the engaging lessons, supportive teachers, and the chance to connect with like-minded people in the 30+ group!”

What I liked the most about the course were the lessons, which focused on improving my English conversation skills through engaging topics with classmates. The teachers were very kind, always willing to help, and provided helpful recommendations for activities in the city. Having different teachers throughout the week was enriching, as each one brought a unique approach that contributed to my learning experience. I recommend this course because it offers flexibility, and the 30+ group was ideal for connecting with like-minded people.


Student at EC Toronto 30+

“8 amazing weeks at EC Toronto—great teachers, new friends, and the perfect place to grow!”

During my 8 weeks at EC in Toronto, I had an amazing experience improving my English skills. The school has a friendly and professional environment that makes learning enjoyable. The teachers are very supportive and always ready to help. Lessons were interactive and engaging, which made it easier to participate and stay motivated. I also had the chance to meet people from different countries and cultures, which was great for both language practice and building friendships. The school’s modern facilities and Toronto’s lively atmosphere created the perfect combination for learning. This experience helped me grow not only in English but also as a person.


Student at EC Toronto 30+

“At EC, you learn English while exploring cultures, connecting with classmates, and enjoying exciting activities!”

What I like most about the school and lessons is that I am not only able to learn English at the school, but also recognize different cultures such as music, art and something like this in the school activities. In terms of learning English, depending on classes that you have though. The teachers are really unique and International. Personally, I really like discussing something with my classmates. The school has several events a month. So, I would say it was easier to socialize and acclimatize to the school life


Student at EC Toronto

“EC Toronto is more than a school—it’s a place to grow, connect, and create unforgettable memories!”

My experience at EC in Toronto has been incredible so far ! The teachers are not only friendly but also highly skilled, always finding creative ways to make lessons fun and interactive. I’ve particularly enjoyed how small class sizes allow for more personalized attention and opportunities to practice speaking. One of the best parts of EC is the diverse mix of students from all over the world. This has helped me improve my English while learning about different cultures and perspectives. The school’s partnership, TNT organization is also fantastic ! It allows us to participate in exciting activities every month : visiting Niagara Falls, going to NBA’s games, trips in New York, Quebec, Ottawa and a lot of other outdoor adventures …
I would absolutely recommend EC to anyone because it is more than just a school, it is a place to grow, connect, and create unforgettable memories.


Student at EC Toronto

“Choosing EC Toronto was the best decision of my life—amazing teachers, friends from around the world, and unforgettable experiences!”

I’m so glad that I can share my experiences in EC Toronto. Choosing EC to learn English is the best decision of my life. I’ve been here for 8 months, and I’ve met lots of friends and good teachers during my courses!! I had an opportunity to experience each seasons here and EC offered different kinds of ways to learn English with various activities. I would like to recommend EC to a friend, because I’m sure EC has been helping me improve English skills a lot. Furthermore, it was nice to meet friends of various nationalities. I like the overall atmosphere, teachers, teaching style, location, environment, and everything about EC! Thank you so much for providing unforgettable experiences and valuable moments here


Student at EC Toronto

“Learning English at EC unlocks a new reality—your passport to the world!”

I could learn a lot of topics that I hadn’t learned when I studied English in my country, different kinds of vocabulary and expressions. In addition, listening to different accents of other students from other countries was a big challenge for me, because EC school offers geographically learning.  

Of course I would say to my friends what if they wanna improve their English skills, they do it at this school 

Learning English at EC will give you the opportunity to unblock a new reality and it’s gonna be your passport for traveling around the world 

Jesus Eduardo

Student at EC Toronto

“EC gave me support, cultural connections, and an unforgettable English learning experience.”

Hello. My name is Rejane. I am Brazilian. I have been studying at EC for 10 months.I really enjoyed the time I spent here. The team is wonderful, teachers and staff who give you all the support you need. I met people from all over the world and was able to learn about their cultures. I can say that I learned not only to speak English but also to write, which I had a lot of difficulty with.
I definitely recommend EC because there we have an experience that goes beyond just learning English. I am seriously thinking about returning to improve my English even more and have new experiences! 


Student at EC Vancouver

“EC offers enriching learning with diverse events, interactive classes, and cultural experiences.”

My study course is six months and now I have spent four months. As a student, I am very satisfied with the school’s curriculum. Every four weeks we have the level test, if you with pass 75, we can go up to a higher level and get feedback from teacher. At school, we can study freely in the library with other friends when you have no time off or class. I also think that the events that take place at the school are very diverse and a great opportunity to make friends with other countries students, get to know their culture and communicate in English. Classes are conducted simultaneously in several areas, such as listening and reading, and are designed to improve your overall English proficiency. Not just learning the English from the curriculum, but experiencing what the local English is like and what Canadian culture is like.  As a student ambassador, I give new arrived students a tour around downtown Vancouver and provide them with the help they need. Helping the school and holding several events is a great experience for me to increase leadership. I am very satisfied with the EC school, being able to study English more varied and enriched than I expected! 


Student at EC Vancouver

“Studying at EC has been an amazing way to improve my English, meet people from around the world, and feel truly supported every step of the way!”

Hi, my name is Lina, I’m 18 years old and I’m from Germany. I’ve been here in Vancouver for one week. I’m taking English classes at the EC school and I really enjoy going there because it is such a fun way to improve my English skills. I’m taking English classes at the EC school and I really enjoy going there because it is such a fun way to improve my English skills. What is really exciting is that there are so many international people who study there. You can meet people from all over the world and exchange traditions and lifestyles with them! 
Another great fact is that all the people from EC are so nice and if you have any questions you can go to them and just ask them. 
I would really recommend taking classes at EC because I feel so comfortable studying there. Everything is really organised. If I had the opportunity to take classes at EC again I would definitely do it. I feel like I’m in really good hands and going there is a really great way to improve your English skills! 


Student at EC Vancouver

“Thanks to EC, I leave Vancouver with new friends, English skills, and unforgettable memories.”

I arrived in Vancouver with minimal English, and thanks to EC, their teachers, study programs, staff, weekly activities, and my wonderful host family, I am leaving very happy to have learned both the language and the Canadian culture. The teachers were always kind and supportive, and the activities helped me practice English while making new friends from different countries. Without a doubt, I will come back someday! Vancouver is full of interesting places to explore, and EC made this journey unforgettable.


Student at EC Vancouver

“I really enjoy the engaging and interactive teaching style at EC”

I have been studying here for almost 3 months and I really enjoy the engaging and interactive teaching style at EC. The lessons were well-balanced between structured learning and fun activities. I really appreciate the supportive environment created by the teachers, the staff and fellow students. Everyone felt encouraged to speak, participate and practice without the fear of making mistakes. We also have cultural events here – this is a great way to experience language learning in class and outside the class.

I recommend this place because of its approach to language learning. They always encourage us to speak and practice in real-life contexts. I would love to return here in the future.


Student at EC Vancouver

Expérimenter des résultats concrets

À EC, nous nous engageons à garantir des résultats optimaux à nos étudiants. C’est pourquoi, depuis 30 ans, nous avons fait de la recherche et de l’évaluation les pierres angulaires de l’élaboration de nos programmes, de nos méthodes d’enseignement et de notre processus de révision. Cette approche nous permet de concevoir scientifiquement une expérience d’apprentissage des langues pour vous, basée sur vos besoins et objectifs uniques, qui produira de manière fiable des résultats optimaux.

EC Insights and Updates

Laissez-vous inspirer par les parcours de nos étudiants

Découvrez comment nos étudiants ont transformé leurs premiers pas dans l’apprentissage d’une langue en étapes importantes qui ont transformé leur vie. Laissez-vous inspirer par leurs histoires pour réussir votre propre apprentissage des langues.

FAQ sur l’apprentissage de l’anglais à Brighton

Quels sont les cours spéciaux que je peux suivre si j'apprends l'anglais à l'EC Brighton ?

En plus de notre programme d'anglais général, EC Brighton propose une variété de cours spéciaux pour vous aider à améliorer votre anglais afin de réussir à l'école et sur le marché du travail international. Il s'agit notamment de English for Work, un cours d'anglais intensif qui vous aide à développer les compétences dont vous avez besoin pour progresser dans votre carrière ; EC x FutureLearn, qui combine des cours d'anglais immersifs dispensés par EC avec des cours en ligne spécialisés dispensés par des universités de premier plan dans le monde entier, et des cours de préparation à l'examen de l'IELTS.

Je souhaite apprendre l'anglais à Brighton : Quelles sont les possibilités d'hébergement ?

À l'EC Brighton, nous proposons un hébergement en famille d'accueil ou en résidence/appartement étudiant. Si vous choisissez l'hébergement en famille d'accueil, vous vivrez avec une famille de Brighton. C'est une excellente option si vous voulez avoir l'occasion de pratiquer votre anglais avec une famille locale autour de repas préparés à la maison.Si vous recherchez plus d'indépendance, vous pouvez opter pour un appartement entièrement équipé en colocation avec d'autres étudiants, et partager tout ou partie des espaces de vie.

Quelles sont les activités les plus populaires à faire pendant que j'apprends l'anglais à Brighton ?

Brighton, l'une des villes les plus bohèmes et les plus pittoresques du Royaume-Uni, offre une infinité d'activités et d'occasions d'interagir avec des anglophones. Promenez-vous le long des quais et visitez les galeries du quartier des artistes. Visitez le Royal Pavilion. Profitez de restaurants et de pubs extraordinaires et assistez à des concerts tous les soirs de la semaine. L'EC Brighton a mis en place un programme d'activités pour vous permettre de découvrir tout ce que Brighton a à offrir.

Aurai-je besoin d'un visa pour apprendre l'anglais à Brighton ?

Selon votre nationalité, vous pouvez avoir besoin d'un visa pour étudier à Brighton. Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus.

Pourquoi devrais-je apprendre l'anglais à Brighton ?

Connue sous le nom de "Londres au bord de la mer", Brighton offre l'ambiance culturelle de Londres (qui n'est qu'à une heure de route) dans une atmosphère décontractée de bord de mer. Cette jolie station balnéaire est l'une des villes les plus bohèmes d'Angleterre, célèbre pour son architecture, ses galeries d'art, ses restaurants et son atmosphère colorée, ainsi que pour ses belles plages. C'est un endroit idéal pour pratiquer votre anglais avec de nouveaux amis et des habitants enthousiastes.


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